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City calling for applicants for new Advisory Committee and Task Force

May 22, 2023May 22, 2023

The City is calling for applicants to the new Ontario Street Corridor Secondary Plan Neighbourhood Advisory Committee and a new Citizen Task Force to Review Remuneration for Council, Boards, Agencies and Commissions.

The Ontario Street Corridor Secondary Plan Neighbourhood Advisory Committee will meet quarterly to help guide, review, and provide input into the Secondary Plan study components, including background analysis, visioning, land use concepts and implementation.

The City is looking for seven to 10 community members for this committee including one to two landowner representatives from the Ontario Street north corridor, one to two landowner representatives from the Ontario Street south corridor, and three to four residents of the area bounded by Twelve Mile Creek, the QEW, Geneva Street and Welland Avenue, including one representative from each of the Haig and Fitzgerald Neighbourhood Associations.

The Citizen Task Force to Review Council Remuneration for Council Boards, Agencies and Commissions will meet monthly to review compensation currently paid to the Mayor and Council Members along with associated Boards, Agencies and Commissions to which the Mayor and Council Members may be appointed.

This task force will be comprised of up to five members. The City is looking for applicants with backgrounds in organized labour, education, business, and the non-profit sector. Post-2014 former members of Council are welcome to apply as long as they did not seek re-election. Preference will be given to members who have experience in human resources, finance, compensation tactics or similar fields.

All available positions are unpaid, volunteer positions and individuals must be at least 18 years old to apply. If an interested individual would like to apply for a position on both the task force and the advisory committee, separate applications must be filled out. Residents can find further information and an application at

The application deadline is June 21, 2023, at noon.

Anyone requiring assistance with the application form can contact the office of the City Clerk at [email protected] or call 905.688.5601 ext. 1517.

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