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February chores: Things to do inside and outside the house

Dec 28, 2023Dec 28, 2023

A guide to things to do inside and outside the home this month.

For outside

• Water container plants such as potted roses that are stored in unheated spaces, but wait until soil has thawed.

• Clean and sharpen pruners, shovels, hoes and other tools.

• Prune shrubs and trees as needed, removing dead, broken, diseased and crossing branches.

• Keep bird feeders filled and provide water daily.

• Transplant shrubs and small trees after the soil has thawed and dried to a workable condition. Retain as many roots as possible.

For inside

• This is a great time to plan your garden. Consider using garden and home-landscaping classes and garden books and catalogs. Place orders and visit garden centers to raise your odds of getting popular seeds and plants.

• If you have enough light inside, sow seeds for flowers that can be placed in the garden in mid-May. Examples are impatiens and petunias.

• Sow Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and other cool-season vegetable seeds for transplanting in late March or early April.

• Make sure the sump pump is ready for spring rains. Unplug the pump, lift it from the well and make sure the intake ports aren't blocked. Check the well floor for gravel and debris. Return the pump, plug it in and activate the switch.

• Get a jump on spring-cleaning by organizing closets and drawers. Make note of those that need to be cleaned or repaired.

• Clean or replace furnace filters.

• Check the humidifier for mineral deposits.

• Test ground-fault interrupter outlets.

• Trip electrical circuit breakers one at a time to ensure they aren't stuck.

• Turn rugs for even wear.

• Loosen and retighten lightbulbs, especially those in the kitchen and bathrooms.

• Clean refrigerator and freezer coils with a vacuum cleaner or a skinny brush.

• Clean the dryer vent.

For outside For inside