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IAEA provides Ukraine with 5M euros worth of equipment since beginning of war

Jun 07, 2023Jun 07, 2023

The IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said this in a speech to the Agency's Board of Governors, which began its meeting in Vienna on Monday, Ukrinform reports.

"Since the start of the conflict, €5 million worth of nuclear safety and security equipment has been delivered to Ukraine. We are putting together a comprehensive programme of healthcare assistance, including through equipment and psychological support for all Ukrainian operating personnel at nuclear power plants," he said.

Grossi noted that the IAEA teams of experts remain present not only at Zaporizhzhia NPP, but also at all nuclear power plants in Ukraine, monitoring and reporting daily on developments in nuclear safety and security. In total, 81 experts in 37 missions rotated to five facilities in Ukraine.

The IAEA Director General stated that in recent months there has been an increase in military activity, and therefore three operating nuclear power plants in Ukraine were forced to reduce their capacity directly due to the hostilities. In addition, all the plants faced problems with the supply of spare parts.

Mr Grossi also informed the Board of Governors that he had presented 5 IAEA principles to the UN Security Council last week that would help ensure nuclear safety at Zaporizhzhia NPP.

"These concrete principles follow intensive consultations with the leadership of Ukraine, as well as of Russia. I have respectfully and solemnly asked both sides to observe these five principles. They are to no one's detriment and to everyone's benefit and I ask you, as the IAEA's Board of Governors, to support them," he said.

According to Grossi, from now on, the experts of the IAEA mission at ZNPP will report to him as Director General on compliance with these principles, and he will publicly report any violations.

"These principles are necessary because the risk at Zaporizhzhya NPP has risen in the past months due to increased military action. The plant's offsite power has been knocked out seven times since the start of the conflict, underscoring the urgent need to protect this vital electricity supply," he said.

As Ukrinform reported, on May 30, Rafael Grossi spoke at a meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. He formulated five principles that should guarantee nuclear safety at ZNPP. According to him, there should be no attacks from or against the plant. The power plant infrastructure should not be used as a storage or base for heavy weapons. The supply of electricity from the power plant outside the facility must not be jeopardized. All structures, systems and components necessary for the safe operation of the facility must be protected from attack or sabotage. In addition, no actions should be taken that would undermine these principles.

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