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Low morphological disparity and decelerated rate of limb size evolution close to the origin of birds

Aug 30, 2023Aug 30, 2023

Nature Ecology & Evolution (2023)Cite this article

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The origin of birds from theropod dinosaurs involves many changes in musculoskeletal anatomy and epidermal structures, including multiple instances of convergence and homology-related traits that contribute to the refinement of flight capability. Changes in limb sizes and proportions are important for locomotion (for example, the forelimb for bird flight); thus, understanding these patterns is central to investigating the transition from terrestrial to volant theropods. Here we analyse the patterns of morphological disparity and the evolutionary rate of appendicular limbs along avialan stem lineages using phylogenetic comparative approaches. Contrary to the traditional wisdom that an evolutionary innovation like flight would promote and accelerate evolvability, our results show a shift to low disparity and decelerated rate near the origin of avialans that is largely ascribed to the evolutionarily constrained forelimb. These results suggest that natural selection shaped patterns of limb evolution close to the origin of avialans in a way that may reflect the winged forelimb ‘blueprint’ associated with powered flight.

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Supplementary material is available online. The R code, raw data and results derived from the phylogeny scaled using the ‘equal’ method, and the different phylogenetic hypotheses are available on the OSF (

The R code used in the comparative analyses is archived and available on the OSF (

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We thank R. N. Felice for help in calculating the evolutionary rates in R. This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 42225201 and 42288201), the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (no. ZDBS-LY-DQC002) and the Tencent Foundation (through the XPLORER PRIZE).

Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Min Wang & Zhonghe Zhou

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M.W. conceived the project. M.W. and Z.Z. performed the analyses and wrote the manuscript.

Correspondence to Min Wang.

The authors declare no competing interests.

Nature Ecology & Evolution thanks Stephen Brusatte and Gregory Funston for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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The first and third principal components (PCs) derived from pPCA of all limbs are mapped on the time-calibrated tree. a, PC1 (=70.03% variances). b, PC3 (=6.7% variances).

The first three principal components (PCs) derived from pPCA of forelimb are used. a, Binary plot of PCs 1 and 2. b, Binary plot of PCs 1 and 3.

The first three principal components (PCs) derived from pPCA of hindlimb are used. a, Binary plot of PCs 1 and 2. b, Binary plot of PCs 1 and 3.

Morphological disparity is quantified using three metrices: a, sum of variances; b, median distance from centroid; c, and sum of ranges. The dark and light surfaces indicate the 50% and 95% confidence intervals, respectively.

a, Phylomorphospace of BI and crural CI indices with phylogeny accounted. b, c, Comparison of disparity among three subgroups using standard deviations of BI (b) and CI (c), respectively (The boxes represent the median, the first and the third quartile of the morphological disparity; n = 109 species). Morphological disparity was compared using Welch's t-test for statistical significance (****two-sided p-value threshold <0.05).

Evolutionary rates are significantly different in all pairwise comparisons. The mean rate scalar is the mean of the rate scalars calculated in the post-burn-in posterior distribution under the variable rate evolutionary model (The boxes represent the median, the first and the third quartile of the mean rate scalar; n = 109 species). a, All appendicular elements. b, Forelimb. c, Hindlimb. Evolutionary rate among subgroups were compared using a nonparametric t-test for statistical significance (****: p < 0.00005).

Evolutionary changes of brachial index across time-calibrated Mesozoic theropod tree.

a, Branch specific evolutionary rates and rate shifts (Branch specific evolutionary rates are denoted by the color gradients. Posterior probabilities of rate shifts are indicated by the relative size of the grey triangles). b, Comparison of evolutionary rate of brachial index among subgroups (The boxes represent the median, the first and the third quartile of the mean rate scalar; n = 109 species). Evolutionary rates are significantly different in all pairwise comparisons except between Avialae and non-paravian theropods.

Evolutionary changes of crural index across time-calibrated Mesozoic theropod tree.

a, Branch specific evolutionary rates and rate shifts (Branch specific evolutionary rates are denoted by the color gradients. Posterior probabilities of rate shifts are indicated by the relative size of the grey triangles). b, Comparison of evolutionary rate of brachial index among subgroups (The boxes represent the median, the first and the third quartile of the mean rate scalar; n = 109 species). Evolutionary rates are significantly different in all pairwise comparisons.

Supplementary Figs. 1–23 and Tables 1–11.

List of taxonomical sampling.

The R code, raw data and results derived from the phylogeny scaled using the ‘equal’ method, and different phylogenetic hypotheses.

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Wang, M., Zhou, Z. Low morphological disparity and decelerated rate of limb size evolution close to the origin of birds. Nat Ecol Evol (2023).

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Received: 03 February 2023

Accepted: 09 May 2023

Published: 05 June 2023


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