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ABB vacuum expertise accelerating SF6 free future for

Dec 21, 2023Dec 21, 2023

Turkey's official electricity transmission body, TEIAS, is revamping the country's power grid with thousands of ABB MV embedded pole parts – complete with embedded vacuum interrupters for rapid and easy circuit breaker construction – to help futureproof the network.

TEIAS is benefitting from a bespoke solution from long-standing ABB OEM partner, Ankara-based Astor A.S. Transformator, which meets strict IEC standards and the highest classifications on electrical and mechanical insurance, as well as capacitive current rating.

It means that in the last 60 months some 10 percent of Turkey's outdated SF6 gas insulated breakers have already been upgraded with an accelerated target of 80 percent and 10,000 circuit breakers to be overhauled by 2030. This vacuum transition is helping Turkey align with its European neighbours who have pledged to cut overall F-gas emissions by two-thirds by 2030.

ABB's P6 VG6-S-K Embedded Pole parts proved ideal for Turkey's predominantly 36kV network, which previously utilized only assembled pole parts. However, embedded pole technology provides peak dielectrical behaviour in the switching device and optimum protection against environmental influences like dust and humidity. Not only that the P6 Embedded Pole construction is ultra compact and lightweight, without compromising performance, and so easier and more efficient to transport and install.

A spokesperson for Astor A.S. Transformator said: "We would like to thank ABB for their technical competency, plus excellent supply and financial support from the beginning to the end of this challenging process, which was to design and manufacture an improved 40.5 kV metalclad switchgear with the narrowest footprint in Turkey.

"During our R&D period, we investigated many options in order to have the best solution – from a technical, mechanical and dimensional point of view – and after extensive type tests this was shown to be ABB's P6 VG6-S-K Embedded Pole parts, which have a smaller footprint thanks to their compact design than others in the marketplace. Our highly valued customer TEIAS was also extremely satisfied with the outcome, as it completely modernized their approach and specification."

For ABB the partnership with Astor has been extremely rewarding. Sami Raitakoski, Global Product Group Manager of ABB's Control & Protection Products, explained: "Our medium voltage expertise is switching up the electrification sector and this is another example of vacuum interrupter embedding technology (which was invented at our award-winning Ratingen factory in Northern Germany) providing a tangible difference. Both Astor and TEIAS required proven, quality products for this breakthrough circuit breaker specification overhaul, plus we were able to deliver a cost efficient yet robust solution for a price-competitive market – and establish a strong partner relationship for the future. Furthermore, Astor's MV competency has since qualified them for the development of circuit breakers for various customers - again with ABB components."