Home / News / He's Attempting to be the First to Cross Antarctica via the South Pole on a Fat Bike

He's Attempting to be the First to Cross Antarctica via the South Pole on a Fat Bike

Jul 25, 2023Jul 25, 2023

Next week Italian cyclist and adventurer Omar di Felice will embark on an attempt to become the first person to bike across Antarctica coast to coast, crossing the south pole along the way. The adventure is part of an effort to raise awareness about climate change and advocate for reducing humans’ carbon footprint.

In an interview with The Guardian, di Felice said, "Everyone I speak with says I’m crazy, it's impossible, the bike won't go over because of the deep snow and the wind. It's very hard for cycling – but I’ll just go and explore and find out for myself whether it's possible or not."

The planned route will start below Vinson Massif along the southern edge of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. Di Felice will reach the south pole at the mid-point of his ride, then head for the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf before returning to the pole to finish his journey. Presumably he must return to the pole since it's not possible to get picked up at the Ross Ice Shelf.

According to The Guardian, di Felice will need to finish the journey in 60 days or less since he's not allowed to stay on the continent beyond January 20. Part of the route will include an ice road maintained for scientific expeditions to the pole, and he’ll only have one chance to resupply along the way.

Adventurer Kate Leeming has been working toward her own bicycle crossing of Antarctica via the south pole, and in 2014 Daniel Burton 2012 Eric Larsen became the first to reach the pole by bike.

We will be following di Felice's progress on the Antarctica Unlimited site.