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Jul 19, 2023Jul 19, 2023

Scott Ayers of the Directorate for Engineering Sciences will participate in a virtual meeting of Vision 20-20 Working Group 5 meeting on fire codes and standards. The working group is expected to discuss codes and standards that may affect fire safety, especially in the wildland-urban interface. The meeting was organized by Vision 20-20 Working Group 5. For more information on this meeting, including how to call in, please contact Scott Ayers ([email protected]). Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/19/2023.Posted in the Public Calendar 5/19/2023.

Kristen Talcott of Engineering Sciences and other staff will be participating in a virtual meeting with the ASTM F15.42 Furniture Subcommittee task group on material interactions in the ASTM F3096 (tip-over restraints) voluntary standard on June 1, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ET). This is a meeting to discuss potential new requirements and testing for anti-tip restraints used with clothing storage units (CSUs). The meeting was requested by ASTM. For additional information, including call-in information, contact Kristen Talcott, [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/25/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/24/2023.

Arthur Laciak, eFiling Program Specialist of the Office of Import Surveillance, and other CPSC staff will host a virtual working group meeting for the eFiling Beta Pilot IT Development Advisory Group, as related to 87 FR 35513 (June 10, 2022). The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and receive feedback from selected importer participants (Belnick, Dolce & Gabbana, Hasbro, Ikea, L.L. Bean, Macy's, RBO, Tractor Supply Company, and Walmart) and their industry partners. They will advise on IT development aspects of the Beta Pilot, including the PGA Message Set and the Product Registry. For additional information, including call-in information, contact Arthur Laciak ([email protected]). Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/24/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/24/2023.

Jay Kadiwala and other Office of Hazard Identification and Reduction staff, will be participating in an ANSI C18.5 technical working group meeting to discuss lithium-ion batteries and other battery-related issues; Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 01:00 pm ET to 02:00 pm ET, by teleconference. For additional information please contact Mr. Jay Kadiwala, phone: (301) 987-2517; e-mail: [email protected] (preferred). Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/15/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/15/2023. Updated May 24, 2023.

Andrew Newens, Directorate for Engineering Sciences, will participate in a virtual meeting with the ASTM F15.79 Beach Umbrellas Task Group. This meeting was requested by ASTM to discuss the creation of a new standard test method for the strength and durability of consumer beach umbrellas; 10-11am. For additional information, including call-in information, contact Andrew Newens at [email protected] or (301) 987-2248. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/26/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/26/2023.

Zachary Foster, Division of Human Factors, and other CPSC staff will be participating in a virtual meeting of the ASTM Infant Rockers CPSC Letter Task Group on June 5, 2023, @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET. The meeting will discuss CPSC staff's recent letter to the ASTM Infant Rockers Subcommittee, which contained staff's recommended revisions to ASTM F3084. The meeting was requested by ASTM. For additional information, including log-in information, please contact Zachary Foster ([email protected]). Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/25/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/25/2023.

Khalisa Phillips, of ESHF, and other CPSC staff, will be participating in a Webex teleconference meeting with ASTM F15.19 Wearable Infant Blankets Data Analysis Task Group on 06/05/2023 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (ET). The purpose of this meeting is to identify and discuss hazard patterns in the 2023 incident dataset provided by CPSC staff. This meeting was requested by ASTM. For additional information, including the meeting call-in information, contact Khalisa Phillips at [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 6/2/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 6/2/2023.

Doug Lee, Office of Hazard Identification and Reduction, participating in a virtual panel on Exploring Battery Uses and Safety Considerations for US Consumers on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 from 9:00am -10:00am. The panel is part of a "Battery Safety and Sustainability" Campaign hosted by TIC Council - Americas and moderated by Karin Athanas. For additional information, contact Doug Lee, 301-987-2073 or [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/31/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/31/2023.

Emily Maling, Directorate for Laboratory Sciences, will be attending the ASTM E05 Fire Standards Committee Meetings held in Denver, Colorado, on June 6-8, 2023 form 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM MT each day. For more information please contact Emily Maling at [email protected] or 301-987-2301. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/22/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/22/2023.

Scott Ayers of the Directorate for Engineering Sciences and Jonathan Kent of the Directorate for Laboratory Sciences will participate in ANSI Z21.1 TSC working group virtual meetings for gas ranges. The meetings will focus on reviewing a proposal for adapting new performance tests for gas ranges and reviewing current requirements that may be common with other gas appliances. The meetings were organized by the ANSI Z21.1 working groups. For more information on these meeting, including how to call in, please contact Scott Ayers ([email protected]). Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/30/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/30/2023.

Kristen Talcott of Engineering Sciences and other staff will be participating in a virtual meeting with the ASTM F15.42 Furniture Subcommittee task group on operational sliding length in the ASTM F2057 clothing storage unit (CSU) standard on June 6, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ET). This is a meeting to discuss testing of extendible elements with multiple potential stops. The meeting was requested by ASTM. For additional information, including call-in information, contact Kristen Talcott, [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/25/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/25/2023.

Austin Schlick, Dan Vice and Alex Moscoso will meet with representatives of the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America (SVIA) at 11:30 am on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, by Webex. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/31/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 6/1/2023.

eFiling Program Specialist Arthur Laciak and International Trade Specialist John Blachère will host a round table at GS1 Connect 2023 at the Gaylor Rockies Resort and Convention Center; 9:35 – 10:30 am (MDT). They will provide an overview of CPSC's collaboration with GS1 to include the Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) in CPSC's risk assessment. For more information, please contact Arthur Laciak at [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 6/1/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 6/1/2023.

Stefanie Marques, Directorate for Health Sciences, and other CPSC staff will be participating in a Webex meeting with the Performance Requirements Task Group of the ASTM F15.21 Subcommittee on Infant Loungers on 6/1/2023 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET. This is a meeting to discuss the performance requirements for the draft voluntary standard for infant loungers. This meeting was requested by ASTM. For additional information, including the meeting call-in information, contact Stefanie Marques at [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/16/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/16/2023.

Richard O’Brien and Sara Kang of CPSC's Office of International Programs will present a product safety seminar requested and hosted by the Mexican National Council of The Maquiladora and Manufacturing Export Industry (INDEX). The seminar, on June 6th 12-2pm EDT, in Mexico City, will cover product safety requirements for apparel and children's products. Audience participation will be in-person and by video. For more information, please contact Sara Kang at: [email protected], (301) 504-7046). Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/31/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/31/2023.

Scott Ayers of the Directorate for Engineering Sciences and Jonathan Kent of the Directorate for Laboratory Sciences will participate in ANSI Z21.1 TSC working group virtual meetings for gas ranges. The meetings will focus on reviewing a proposal for adapting new performance tests for gas ranges and reviewing current requirements that may be common with other gas appliances. The meetings were organized by the ANSI Z21.1 working groups. For more information on these meeting, including how to call in, please contact Scott Ayers ([email protected]). Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/30/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/30/2023.

Daniel Taxier, Directorate of Engineering Sciences, and other CPSC staff will be participating in a teleconference meeting with the ASTM F15.19 Methods for Measuring Re-Breathing Task Group on June 6, 2023 from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM ET to discuss a proposal from an ASTM member to develop standard test methods for measuring firmness, airflow, and CO2 re-breathing in infant bedding materials. This meeting was requested by ASTM. For additional information, including call-in information, contact Daniel Taxier at [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/31/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar

EXIS staff including members of the team located in Newark, NJ will attend the Port of New York/Newark Quarterly Broker Meeting that is being held virtually on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, at 10:00AM for members of the trade community. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 6/1/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 6/1/2023.

Andrew Newens, Directorate for Engineering Sciences, will participate in a virtual meeting with the ASTM F15.79 Beach Umbrellas Task Group. This meeting was requested by ASTM to discuss the creation of a new standard test method for the strength and durability of consumer beach umbrellas. For additional information, including call-in information, contact Andrew Newens at [email protected] or (301) 987-2248. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/26/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/26/2023.

eFiling Program Specialist Arthur Laciak and International Trade Specialist John Blachère will host a round table at GS1 Connect 2023 at the Gaylor Rockies Resort and Convention Center; 9:00 – 9:50 am (MDT). They will provide an overview of CPSC's collaboration with GS1 to include the Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) in CPSC's risk assessment. For more information, please contact Arthur Laciak at [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 6/1/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 6/1/2023.

Benjamin Mordecai, Directorate for Laboratory Sciences, and other staff, will be participating in a Webex meeting with ASTM F15.22 Toys Subcommittee on 6/7/2023 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET. This is a meeting to discuss updates from the various working groups. This meeting was requested by ASTM. For additional information, including the meeting call-in information, contact Benjamin Mordecai at [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/22/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/22/2023.

Tim Smith, Division of Human Factors, will be participating in a Microsoft Teams meeting with the ANSI Z535 Committee on Safety Signs and Colors on 6/7/2023 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM ET. This is a meeting to discuss proposed revisions to the balloted draft Z535.7 standard for safety information in electronic media to resolve outstanding comments and issues. This meeting was requested by ANSI. For additional information, including the meeting call-in information, contact Tim Smith at [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/23/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/23/2023.

Doug Lee, Einstein Miller, and other Office of Hazard Identification and Reduction staff, participating in an Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 943 task group virtual meeting to discuss ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) performance; 9am – 11am pm; The meeting was requested by Roger Pareja, UL Standards Specialist. For additional information contact Doug Lee, (301) 987-2073 or [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 6/1/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 6/1/2023.

Charles Bevington and other CPSC staff will be participating in a working group meeting to develop protocol to measure emissions from gas range stoves and their impact on indoor air quality in support of CSA | Z21.1 standard revision. The meeting will be virtual and will be held on Thursday June 8th from 11:00 to 1:00 EST. Contact Charles Bevington [email protected] or 301-987-2009 for more information. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/12/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/12/2023.

CPSC Office of Import Surveillance Deputy Director Sabrina Keller has been invited to speak at the 5th Annual Customs and Trade Symposium, hosted in the Philadelphia area by the customs brokerage firm GEODIS. She will provide an update on CPSC's import program and eFiling initiative. For more information on the Symposium, visit CHB Symposium - GEODIS Customs Brokerage ( or contact [email protected]. For more information on CPSC's import program, visit Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/31/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/31/2023.

Emily Maling, Lisa Scott, and Allyson Tenney, Directorate for Laboratory Sciences, will be attending ASTM Subcommittee F08.22 Camping Softgoods/Tent Flammability Meeting. The meeting will take place on Thursday, June 8 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm MT in Denver, Colorado. The test method for camping tents and test data on tent materials will be discussed. For more information, contact Allyson Tenney at [email protected] or refer to ASTM International at Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/19/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/19/2023.

Arthur Lee will be chairing a working group for portable electric heaters. The working group is to evaluate possible improvements in the UL standards for portable heaters. The virtual meeting is on June 8, 2023, 2 pm to 3:30 pm (America/New York). For additional information, contact Arthur Lee at [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/31/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/31/2023.

Chair Hoehn-Saric and his staff will participate in a meeting via webex with Don Mays. The meeting will be held on Friday, June 9, 2023 at 10:30 AM. The meeting was requested by Don Mays to discuss the petition he submitted on bicycle regulations. For additional information contact Annie Campbell at [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 6/2/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 6/2/2023.

Scott Ayers of the Directorate for Engineering Sciences with participate in a virtual meeting the CANENA UL/CSA 60335-2-40 Working Group. The working group is developing proposed changes for the first amendment to the 4th edition of UL/CSA 60335-2-40, which will include requirements for flammable refrigerants. The meeting was organized by the CANENA working group. For more information on this meeting, including how to participate, please contact Scott Ayers ([email protected]). Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/30/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/30/2023.

Scott Ayers of Office of Hazard Identification and Reduction and other staff will participate in stakeholder meetings on indoor air quality and gas ranges monthly through September 2023. The stakeholders are working to analyze indoor air quality issues associated with gas ranges and possibly make proposals or recommendations to affected voluntary standards and codes. For more information on this meeting, including call in information, please contact Scott Ayers ([email protected]). Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 10/11/2022. Posted in the Public Calendar 10/11/2022.

The CPSC's Consumer Ombudsman, Jonathan Midgett, PhD, Office of the Executive Director, will participate in ANSI's virtual meeting for consumers who are interested in participating in the development of voluntary consensus standards on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET. Discussion topics will include the basic procedures involved in standards development, the need for consumer participants, and ways for consumers to get involved. The meeting was requested by ANSI and is an open meeting. For further information, contact Jonathan Midgett, CPSC, at [email protected], or 301-504-8120. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/16/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/16/2023.

Huy Le and other Office of Hazard Identification and Reduction staff, will be participating in an ANSI C18/NEMA battery working group to discuss battery ingestion, lithium-ion battery, and other battery issues; Wednesday from 09:00am to 04:00pm and Thursday from 09:00am to 01:00pm, by teleconference. For additional information contact Huy Le, (301)987-2307; e-mail: [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 6/1/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 6/1/2023.

Stefanie Marques, Directorate for Health Sciences, and other CPSC staff will be participating in a Webex meeting with the Performance Requirements Task Group of the ASTM F15.21 Subcommittee on Infant Loungers on 6/15/2023 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET. This is a meeting to discuss the performance requirements for the draft voluntary standard for infant loungers. This meeting was requested by ASTM. For additional information, including the meeting call-in information, contact Stefanie Marques at [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/16/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/16/2023.

Tim Smith, Division of Human Factors, will be participating in a Webex meeting with the Performance Requirements Task Group of the ASTM F15.16 Subcommittee on Infant Feeding Supports on 6/20/2023 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET. This is a meeting to discuss performance requirements for the draft voluntary standard for infant feeding supports. This meeting was requested by ASTM. For additional information, including the meeting call-in information, contact Tim Smith at [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/16/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/16/2023.

Frederick deGrano, Directorate for Engineering Sciences, and other staff, will participate in a teleconference with the ASTM F08.30 Fitness Products Treadmill Task Group on Friday, June 23, 2023, from 1:00 PM-3:00 PM (ET). This is an ongoing discussion toward addressing updates needed to current standards related to treadmill hazards. For additional information, including call-in information, contact Frederick deGrano, [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 6/1/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 6/1/2023.

Scott Ayers of the Directorate for Engineering Sciences will participate in-person in a meeting with the 15.2 Subcommittee on Refrigeration Systems in Residential Applications during the annual ASHRAE Conference. The subcommittee is expected to discuss potential new requirements for flammable refrigerants in residential appliances. This meeting was called by the ASHRAE 15.2 subcommittee. For more information on this meeting, including meeting location, please contact Scott Ayers ([email protected], 301-987-2030). Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/1/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/1/2023.

Scott Ayers of the Directorate for Engineering Sciences will participate in-person with various ASHRAE technical committees during the annual ASHRAE Conference. Staff expects to participate in Technical Committee 3.1 meetings where potentially odorizing flammable refrigerants may be discussed. For more information on these meetings, including meeting locations, please contact Scott Ayers ([email protected], 301-987-2030). Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/1/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/1/2023.

Jonathan Midgett and Chris Nguyen will speak at the International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization (ICPHSO) 2023 Training Workshop at Wayfair Headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts on June 27, 2023. Presentations will be in-person only and are scheduled as follows: Jonathan Midgett, Consumer Ombudsman, "Consumer Voice to Help Ensure Safer Products," 9:15am to 10:05am Chris Nguyen, Program Specialist on the Small Business Ombudsman Team, "Global Regulator Updates," 10:10am to 11:00amThe complete agenda and other details can be found at this link: more information, contact Marc Schoem at [email protected]. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/19/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/19/2023.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (Commission or CPSC) is providing an opportunity for interested parties to present oral comments on the supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (SNPR) the Commission issued regarding a safety standard for portable generators. Any oral comments will become part of the rulemaking record.The hybrid meeting will begin at 10 a.m. Eastern time on June 28, 2022, in the Commission's Hearing Room, 4th floor of the Bethesda Towers Building, 4330 East-West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814, and via webinar. Any individual interested in making an oral presentation must submit a request to make an oral presentation and provide the written text of the oral presentation to the Office of the Secretary, with the caption, "Portable Generator SNPR; Oral Presentation," by e-mail to [email protected], or by mail to the Office of the Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission, 4330 East-West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814, and indicate whether the presentation will be in person or via webinar. Requests to make oral presentations—in person or remotely—and the written text of any oral presentations must be received by the Office of the Secretary no later than 5 p.m. Eastern time on June 20, 2023. All attendees planning to present virtually must pre-register for the webinar online at: no later than 5 p.m. Eastern time on June 20, 2023. After registering, presenters will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. All other individuals who wish to attend the meeting via webinar should register using the same internet link before the start of the hearing. Individuals who wish to attend the meeting in-person, but not make any oral presentation, need not register. Attendance is free of charge.

Suad Wanna-Nakamura, Ph.D., Directorate for Health Sciences, and other CPSC staff will be participating in a virtual teleconference via WebEx on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, from 1:00 -2:00 PM Eastern Time with the ASTM F15.74 and other interested parties to discuss safety specification for the new standard on Weighted Blankets F15.74. This conference call was requested by Ms. Molly Lynyak, ASTM, International and hosted by Ms. Kathleen Huddy. For additional information, including call-in information contact Suad Wanna-Nakamura at 301-768 2915; or by email: [email protected]. and continue to meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 5/26/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 5/26/2023.