Home / News / Spring moisture brings mould hazard

Spring moisture brings mould hazard

Oct 24, 2023Oct 24, 2023

Published: May 10, 2023


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Flooding and seepage from saturated soils force many to clean wet buildings this spring.


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Ken Hellevang, a North Dakota State University Extension engineer, has these tips to help the cleanup go smoothly and safely:

When using wet/dry vacuums and other cleaning equipment, use an extension cord with a ground fault circuit interrupter or install a ground fault circuit interrupter in electrical circuits. Do not stand in water when using electrical equipment.

Overland flooding may contain biological or chemical contamination, and sewer backup contains extensive biological contamination. Porous materials such as carpet or drywall that can absorb water must be discarded if they were exposed to sewer backup or other contaminated water.

Wet materials will mould in one to three days, depending on temperature, so cleanup and drying must be done quickly. Mould in buildings is a human health hazard. Exposure to mould spores can trigger asthma in sensitive people and allergy symptoms in many others. The symptoms include sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose and itchy, watery eyes. Mould must be removed, not just killed, by using a biocide such as chlorine bleach to eliminate the hazard.


Open at least two windows for cross-ventilation to remove moisture in the house or use a dehumidifier. Adding heat without exhausting the air just creates a warm, humid environment and does not aid drying. Use fans to circulate air across damp surfaces to help the material dry.

For health reasons, discard carpet if it was exposed to sewage or if mould growth occurred. It is best to use hot water extraction to clean soiled carpets, so either have them professionally cleaned or rent the equipment to do it yourself. To clean small carpets or rugs, move them outside and hose them down. Use a disinfecting carpet cleaner to clean them thoroughly.

Dry floor coverings and floor thoroughly before replacing the carpet. Replace the padding; do not try to dry it. Use a moisture meter to ensure that a wood floor is dry before replacing the carpet or rugs. Before placing carpet on concrete, tape down a three-square-foot plastic sheet for a couple of days to make sure moisture vapour is not coming through the floor to create damp conditions.

If the carpet can't be removed, dry it within 48 hours of when it became wet, using a wet/dry vacuum, dry outdoor air or dehumidifier to minimize mould growth. Use fans to circulate air above and underneath the carpet.

Unless the carpet is very thin and does not have a pad, such as an indoor-outdoor carpet, lifting it to expose both sides for drying is very important. Mould growth likely will occur unless the carpet can be dried within 24-48 hours, depending on temperature.


Scrub surfaces with hot water and a heavy-duty cleaner. Then disinfect the materials for biological contamination with a solution of 1/4 cup of chlorine bleach per gallon of water, or a product that is labeled as a disinfectant to kill germs. Follow label directions. Don't mix cleaning products, as certain chemical combinations can give off toxic fumes.

Typically, removing and throwing away water-soaked wallboard is necessary because it loses its structural integrity and drying it may not be possible before mould grows. Damp wallboard that does not contain insulation must be dried rapidly by circulating air onto the damp wall. It must be dried within a couple days to prevent mould growth.

Water will wick up drywall a couple of feet above the waterline. A wall may have to be opened so it will dry quickly.

If the wall contains insulation, the wall must be opened and the insulation removed. The insulation retains moisture and the paper on the interior of the wall will become infested with mould before it dries.

Plaster and paneling may be saved, but air must circulate in the wall cavities to dry the studs and sills.


Breaker panel boards, breakers, fuses, receptacles, switches, light fixtures and electric heaters that were submerged must be replaced. Electrical wiring also may need to be replaced.



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